Inside the DNA of an entrepreneur

What it takes to be a successful Entrepreneur.

Success factors of entrepreneurship will always boil down to the value one intends to add to people’s lives and how he intends to achieve that.

So you want to be an Entrepreneur? Or it has always been in you.

What does it actually take to be a successful entrepreneur? To be a successful entrepreneur, there are certain sucess factors of entrepreneurship.

For some of us, entreprenuership is something that has been in us, either we were exposed to it when we were young maybe by our parents.

Or we took it up along the course of our life when we don’t really have much option than to think outside the box.

Who is an Entrepreneur?

An Entrepreneur is someone who profers solutions to a societal problems and finds a way to make money while doing so.

An Entrepreneur is always looking for a way or ways to utilize the opportunities around him to maximise his profits.

The core of an Entrepreneur is the value he brings to the table i.e. the solutions he is profering to the problems at hand.

Everywhere on earth, entrepreneurship is always the same, the same goals which is to maximise their profits, and the same foundation which is built on values.

In this post, we are going to take a peep into what it takes to be a successful  entrepreneur.

We are going to examine what really makes a successful Enterprenuer tick, how do they reason? What keeps them motivated, what drives their passion and what it actually takes to succeed as an Entrepreneur.


An Entrepreneur is always calculated and logical. Doing business involves a whole lot of risks so he has no option than to calculate his moves.

You risk your money when you have not even seen the whole picture, but you trust your guts and intuition.

That is where being calculated and logical comes into play. An Entrepreneur examines every single business opportunity from a logical perspective and not from an emotional stand point.

What this means is that he removes emotion from business before he can invest or pursue it.

What being logical and calculated does is that it removes any form of bias that may cloud his decision making process.

He needs to get his facts correct about any business opportunity and not just rely on speculation.

He needs to do a thorough research, analysis and survey in order to come in terms with the fact of the business potential.

Being logical and calculated will help him minimise the risks involved or better still find a way to handle them.


Even when he has not seen the whole picture, an Entrepreneur is always motivated and focused on his goals.

This is based on the fact that he has done his home work about the business he is venturing into.

He has conducted the business survey, market survey, he has even written the business plan.

What this means is that he has the facts of the business at hand, and this alone will only have him motivated and focused.

I always encourage entrepreneurs to make a definite move towards their  goals. 

When you have a business idea that you wish to pursue, be sure to make a definite move towards it even when you have not seen the whole picture.

Making a move might be writting your business plan or conducting some market research or anything that will take you closer to your goal.

You see, the mere act of taking that small step will keep you motivated and focused to take the next step.

Don’t wait till you figure everything out or you will wait forever.

Wish to start a blog, first of all choose the niche that you want to blog about, then choose the name of your blog and proceed to buy a domain name with it.

These simple steps are what actually sustain your focus, don’t ignore them.

Entrepreneurship is more of a marathon than a sprint, it’s more of the little steps than speed.

A little steps at a time will eventually add up to big results.


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An Entrepreneur is not afraid to go out and meet new opportunities and conquer new territories.

One of the best attributes of a core Entrepreneur is confidence, confidence in himself first and foremost.

Confidence that he or she can achieve anything he set his mind to, confidence to seek people and opportunities out, confidence to leave his confort zone and stretch himself beyond.

A core Entrepreneur knows that opportunities are abound everywhere, all he has to do is to reach out and grab it.

He doesn’t sit down and wait for opportunity to come, he goes out of his own way to meet opportunities head on and this actually needs confidence.

One thing about confidence is that you can fake it till you make it. No one is born with confidence, but the more you are focused on your journey, the more confidence builds up within you.


This goes hand in hand with confidence.  Every single business opportunity requires some form of risk or the other.

It takes courage to take risks. You will have to risk your money, you will have to risk your reputation, you will have to risk failure, you will have to risk safety, and life itself is a risk.

It all boils down to the choices we make when faced with life issues.

Are you willing to take that risk and be courageous for once to pursue your heart desire? Or will you continue to manufacture reasons why you couldn’t take the first step.

It’s all in our choices. You will have to understand that nothing good comes easy, nothing worth while is served on a platter.

It is either you take that risk and make the first move or you will remain in the same position.


Work! Work! Work!
Everything ever achieved, or ever built must have passed through the ministry of works. You must work your talks.

A core attributes of an entrepreneur is a strong work ethic i.e. being disciplined towards his goals.

Discipline is the ability to ignore short term pleasure for a long term treasure.

Most successful Entrepreneur while starting out on their journey realised that it is the discipline that sustained the momentum of their entrepreneurial adventure.

You see you will not always be motivated especially during the tough times, that’s why you have to be disciplined.

If you are not disciplined to stay put during the rough times, then you will give up on your goals.

You will be tested to know if you really want what you are looking for really badly, and this is where your discipline will play it’s role.

Develop a strong work ethic, have a positive mindset about your work, find a way to enjoy the process of your work, this is the only way to sustain the momentum without giving up too early.

The entrepreneurial journey is a marathon not a sprint, it is even more than a marathon because there is no finishe line, you just have to keep reinventing yourself and your ideas.


Reinventing yourself and your ideas is where creativity and innovation comes into play in the DNA of an Entrepreneur.

Creative and innovative Entrepreneurs know that change is inevitable, so they stay ahead of change leveraging on their creativity.

Ideas beget ideas, ideas are polished and refined to become better ideas.

The ability of an Entrepreneur to stay ahead of change through creativity is one single attribute that will guarantee his success.

One skill-set that will never go obsolete is the ability to learn new skills, it’s the ability to adapt to changing times and situations.

Creative Entrepreneurs leverage on Technology to bring to life their ideas. Technology has really been a role model in the propagation of business ideas in any industry you can think of.


Like said earlier, entrepreneurship is like a marathon without a finish line. What this means is that you will have to weave patience into your tapestry.

You will have to learn how to work and wait, and continue waiting while still working, patience should be in your DNA.

As an Entrepreneur, you need to beware of quick success syndrome. Success is not quick, atleast you must have failed  quite a number of times.

But successful Entrepreneurs know that it was never a failure but a learning process. Any set back encountered through your journey comes will lessons.

The question is whether you were able to learn from the lessons.

You will not always see results at the initial stage of your enterprise, nevertheless you are convinced that the results will come if you continue to put in the work.

Your strong work ethics builds and solidifies your patience, that’s why we say that patience is a virtue.

If you don’t have the patience to wait, then better don’t go into business.

The business mindset we are talking about is patience and grit, i.e. the ability to keep grinding, to keep working, to keep putting in the efforts even when you don’t feel like it.


This is the sole reason we talk about finding a way to weave your passions into your enterprise.

If you cannot turn whatever you are passionate about into a source of income, then find a way to be passionate about your source of income.

The summary is to really love your work. When you love your work, it doesn’t look like work anymore, it becomes a form of self expression.

Entrepreneurs are passionate about whatever business they venture into, their strong work ethic builds their passion and they become more determined to keep going.

Determination is a passion in itself, it means you are willing to give whatever that is necessary to achieve your goals.

It is the passion to do that fuels the determination to achieve and succeed.


Entrepreneurs learn that it is more profitable to build business connections than business competitions.

One thing Entrepreneurs must always look out for is a common ground for all to thrive.

The sky is vast enough to accommodate all, with each star shining according to it’s ability, there is absolutely no need for any form of competition.

If all Entrepreneurs can begin from today to find common ground for all within their industry, they will achieve way beyond what they can individually.

Most Entrepreneurs are always looking for a way to beat their competition as if their is a price to that.

The more you keep lookin to beat your percieved competitors, the more time you take away from polishing your enterprise, thus you will shine less.

Experienced Entrepreneurs know better than compete. They know that partnership is the way to go and can help them achieve their goals faster and better than competition ever will.

As an Entrepreneur, whether you are starting out, or you have been in business, the best thing you can do for your enterprise is to make meaningful connections and partnerships.

Always be in the look out for that common ground that will benefit all partners so that it will be a win-win situation for all.


You must be versatile and agile to succeed in your entrepreneurial journey.

Versatility and agility is all about keeping an open mindset. It means that you are open and willing to think outside the box.

Like i said earlier, the skill of learning new skills will never go obsolete, this skill alone will keep you in business forever.

As times and situations change, it is the work of an Entrepreneur to adapt to changing times by being open minded.

Being open to new ideas, new opportunities, new skillset, new technology will flood in new business opportunies.

It is more about being proactive and receptive to novel ideas and mode of doing business.

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