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Habits of women who are financially independent.

Financial independence is a goal we all set for ourselves or a level we all aspire to reach some time in our life.

Being financially free or independent aĺlows us to live life on our own terms; it all means you don’t have to work for a living, it also means that you must have made significant amount of investments over time and now your money works for you.

Time is the single most precious asset in the whole wide world and one of the single most important benefit of being financially independent is that you take control of your time and do whatever you wish to do with it.

With most people spending half of their life time working in order to make a living, women who are financially independent take charge of their time, they work from the comfort of their homes, most retire early doing only the things that they value and cherish most.

Being financially independent is a goal everyone should aspire to reach in their life but it requires a plan from the on set.

It requires building an income portfolio that will continue to pay the bills even after you stop working your daily job. It can also require you to build a passive income portfolio which keeps on bringing income after the initial work have been done.

Most importantly it requires a habit and lifestyle change which will allow you to develop the mindset for being financially independent. As we all know everything we wish to accomplish must be first of all planned and executed in the workshop of the mind.

A recent post of how to be financially free selling printables on Etsy. Check out the post here.

Don’t miss these recent posts;

In this post however, we will discus the habits and lifestyle of women who are financially independent so that you don’t follow them as a role model rather you follow their moves and steps to achieve the same level of financial independence they enjoy today.


They live below their means, this is the the number one most important lifestyle change you need to do. Now most of us are guilty of this habit, we live above our means and still wonder why we struggle financially.

All financially independent women live below their means, they allocate  and manage their resources nomatter how little or how much they make.

We all have bills to pay, our bills will keep on rising but it’s now dependent on us to find a way to cut our cloak according to our sizes. If you don’t find a way to live below your means, sooner or later you wouldn’t even be able to live at all.

Tailor your expenses to be below your income, this is the foundation principle of taking charge of your financial  life.


Like i said earlier, achieving financial independence require a plan which we must follow and keep to the later.

Financial goal require budgeting, finding ways to make extra income, ways to cut on bills and expenses and most importantly finding ways to keep to your plan.

What is the essence of making a plan and not sticking to it. Sticking to your plan is what gives you the discipline to stay put on course without drifting when pressure mounts. It’s all about being financially frugal and disciplined till you achieve your goals.

Even when you must have achieved your financial goals, you still need to maintain the momentum unless you wish to go back to square one.

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Financially independent women budget their resources in the very best way they know how.

They don’t spend unnecessarily. Being financially independent is not about how much you make, but all about how much you keep.

Some people make way bigger but at the end of each month, after expenses and bills, they wouldn’t have anything to show for it. This is because they failed to budget their resources and they live above their means.

Their is no magic bullet in the financial independence game, we all have to allocate and budget our resources or else we will always go broke.


This is the magic bullet if you are looking for one. First of all you will have to identify your Needs in relation to your Wants.

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In as much as you cannot do without your Needs, your Wants can be extremely expedient.

Your groceries, energy bills, gas bills, phone bills, mortgages you name it, are all your needs, you can’t really do without these needs.

That brand new pair of shoes, a brand new car, the jewels are all Wants and you can absolutely do without these and still be comfortable. 

It’s all the mindset and the way we look at things. That money for that brand new car can be used to purchase a decent used car and the rest invested into a dividend stock or real estate.

You now get the point I’m trying to make on the need to identify your Needs versus your Wants.


Financially independent women don’t spend to show off because they don’t have anyone to impress, rather they have a family and loved ones to take care of.

Spending to show off is the habit of someone who lacks self-confidence and this is triggered by comparison.

When you compare yourself with others, you will keep on living your life to impress and that is when you will keeping depleting your resources to buy things you don’t need in order to impress people you don’t even like.

You see, you don’t have to live your life this way, life is too short to live it on impressing people and fake lives.

Identify your Needs and Wants and stick to a budget.
Most importantly, being financially independent is a Need.


The more financially savvy you become, the more your savings grow. But being financially independent doesn’t end in saving, it starts with investing your savings to make more money.

We don’t save to save or for savings sake, rather we save to invest. What the rich people have in common is that their money works for them.

As your money lay idle in the bank, inflation steals your money away and the bank uses your money to make more money for themselves.

First you have to build up your savings, then most importantly, you will have to invest your money.

Invest in real estate, invest in Dividend Stock, invest in Forex, Invest Crypto currency, invest in Index Fund and even Government Bonds. The goals is to diversify your income portfolio.


Having a positive mindset about money is all about believing you deserve more money and financial freedom.

It is all about having a positive mindset about what you can do with money when you have tonnes of it, it is also having a positive mindset about all the good you will do with your freedom and every intentions you have about making the world a better place with your new found wealth.

Some positive affirmations will really help to build this confidence in yourself.
‘I deserve all the money coming to me’ , i ‘am worthy of being financially free’ ,
‘Money loves me’  , ‘money is coming to me right away’ , ‘i am on my way to financial freedom’ .


This is where diversifying your income portfolio comes in handy. Dependent on a single source of income like your daily job is actually a risky thing to do.

This is becaùse your boss can lay you off anytime or some other things may happen which can have a bad impact on your finances.

You can build multiple streams of income through gaining more skills-set, high income skills like digital marketing, copy writing, web design, flipping things online can actually make you rich, you can even learn these skills online and start right away.

I published a recent post about how you can achieve financial freedom making and selling printables on Etsy. Check out this post here, this is the ultimate source of passive income and you don’t even need to quit your job to start. You can start right away.

Investing in rental real estate can also be a right move to make passive incomes to supplement your budget.

You can as well sell and dropship on Amazon, Ebay, Alibaba even if you don’t have your own product. You can start right away from the comfort of your home.

Copy writing is also a digital skill that you can learn within a short time to diversify your skill, you don’t have to depend solely on your daily job to make a living.

The internet is changing the game, jump on any trend that resonates with you and you are on your way to financial freedom.

Remember we are always here to guide you if you need any help or questions about any of these digital skills you need to achieve your financial independence, just reach out to us through the chat box on the website.


Financially independent women are free from any form of debt. They know how bad debts can be so they pay of their debts from their side hustles.

Being free from debts even student’s loan is a feeling unsurpassed by any other.

Some women even pay off their mortgages and car bills with the incomes from their side hustles.

When you live debt-free, you enjoy every aspect of your life, your credit score appreciates and you become financially independent.

You see, it is not about the money that we advocate for the need to be financially free and independent, but it has all to do with the freedom is brings along.

Being rich is measured in the amount of money one has, but being wealthy is measured in the amount of freedom one enjoys, freedom to do whatever one wishes to do.

Cultivate these habits and you are on your way to being a wealthy person.

If you have other habits that one can use to achieve financial freedom, kindly share in the comments.

Thank you for reading.

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