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24 ways to invest in yourself

Life is all about what we make of it, and as we all know there is no magic bullet to life, it requires a form of investment if we are to make the most out of it.

The best form of investment you will ever make is into your life because you are your own greatest asset.

An asset becomes valuable due to the value of investment into it. For your life to be valuable enough, one must and should make adequate life investments into it.

This post helps with all the investments you need to thrive and lead an amazing valuable life.

24 ways to invest in yourself


There are a whole lot of educational shows on the internet which can help you be a better person. Watching educational shows is such a great way to invest in yourself, much more better than the netflix marathon, or spending countless hours fliping through social media platforms


Youtube is a great resource here, infact youtube is the best university ever built, absolutely free resources where you can learn everything you need to change your life for free.

Actually i learnt everything i know about digital marketing and content creation, web design and a whole other skill on youtube.

Youtube is such a repertoire of knowledge which most  people ignore or maybe simply because they don’t know the value.

Anything i wish to learn, i just go straight to youtube, type in the keywords and begin learning.


I published a post recently about the need to start your blog as soon as possible if you have that in mind.

Blogs and e-books are such a great way to learn about any topic you wish to learn and it’s absolutely free as long as you have an internet connection.

Reading e-books and blogs is one of the best way to invest in yourself from the comfort of your home.


Staying in touch with family and loved ones as simple as it might sound is one of the best ways to stay grounded especially when you are stressed up.

Your family are the only one people that loves you and will love you completely without any strings attached, they are the one single people that truly and genuinely wants you to succeed.

Love conquers all, the best thing you can do for yourself is not to cut yourself off from this love source, stay connected with family at all times.


Your friends and the people you spend your time with have a very considerable amount of influence over your life.

You must have probably heard the saying ‘ tell me your friends and i will tell you who you are’

Wisely choose your friends and cut off people who has negative influence over your life. This is for your mental health.


A mentor will direct you in your path to achieve whatever you wish to achieve.
A mentor’s role is to guide you from making the mistakes he made while on his own path.

Having a good mentor saves your time and you will achieve much more with a mentor than you will ever achieve without one.


Got a business idea? and you are still contemplating, delve into it already.
Write that business plan, learn and acquire every knowledge you must learn about that paŕticular businèss and start right away.

Do not wait for the perfect time to start, now is the perfect time, do not waite till everything is right before you start, everything will not always be right.

Start from where you are, with whatever you have and better tools and resources will come along the way to help.

Most Global brands we know today started from home, some started in their garage and today they are Global brands.

Had it been they waited till everything they needed were  ready, by now we probably will never be hearing about them today.

Start small and scale your business.


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We are creatures of habits and we all have hobbies which we look up to every single day. I play lawn tennis in the evenings and i actually look up to it most evenings.

It’s never too late to learn a new hobby of interest, the more your expand your interests, the more you expand your life and you will definitely lead a more fulfilling life.


Learning a new language might be an arduous task especially at a later age but it is very much worth it.

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Apps like Duolingo will help you learn any new language you wish to add to your language arsenal.


Gratitude can never be over emphasized, infact it is lack of gratitude that increases our stress. Gratitude means that you are counting your blessings and your life must not be perfect before you can count your blessings.

Regular practise of gratitude is a practice we should all learn because it keeps you in alignment with the universe which is the source of all things.

The more gratitude to express, you will eventually attract more of the experiences that made you show gratitude.  It is such a powerful way to live your life but unfortunately most people don’t know this.

‘Count your blessings, name them one by one, and you will be surprised what the Lord has done’

The above excerpt is a song verse we all know.


Meditation is also a daily habit you should incorporate into your daily routine.

Meditation allows you to go deeper into yourself usually started with a slow deep breathing practice which will centre your thoughts process.

Meditation allows you relax back and calm your mind, recollect your thoughts and make more informed decisions about your life.

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Exercise also calms your mind but most importantly keeps you fit and healthy.
Let exercise be a regular routine to you and your family.

Nothing less than 3 times a day should you go out for an exercise. jog, walk, play football or any sports activity you like as long as you break some sweats.

Exercise helps you handle stress better, lowers your risk of underlying health issues like heart diseases, helps you burn excess fat and keeps you in shape.


The more you learn, the more your earn. Learning increases your earning potential as well as your personal value.

In this digital times, get some digital skills handy; skills like web design, graphic design, content creation, programming can take you a long way in life.

The good thing is that you can learn these skills from the comfort of your home and absolutely for free. Get started for free on youtube.


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Drink less alcohol and more water. Alcohol messes your body system up, water builds your body system up.

The body system is actually made up of 75% water, so the more you drink water, the more your body system will thank you for that.

Quit with all those alcohol that leaves your kidney with more damage than good and embrace  this natural liquid called water.

Alcohol steals your money away especially when you are young yet offers no benefit to you. Water is absolutely free yet offers the much needed health benefits.


Yes, eating healthier is so much underrated. You are basically made up of what you consume. If you consume junk meals, then your body system is a junk, while If you consume healthy meals, your body system becomes healthy.

Healthy meals give you the energy to go through the day. Consume meals in high protein and minerals as well as healthy carbs, these meals will supply you with the needed strenght for the day’s activities.

Junk meals on the other hand are quick, and expensive, they drain your energy that you cannot give your best for the day.


Learning how to cook is actually a survival skill for anybody. Cooking is a form of therapy for me, i enjoy every process of cooking; plus the more you cook the more you learn about it but most importantly cooking allows you to nourish your body with healthy meals.

Again you can use youtube to your own advantage with millions of recipes you can try out today you will be doing yourself some good.


Early to sleep, early to rise. Sleep is a form of update and format for our brain.

Our brain and the entire nervous system is like a super computer, when we have a good sleep, our brain recharges and becomes more active.

Not getting enough quality sleep can cause a nervous break down and you don’t want that for yourself.

Things as simple as sleep or even water has significant impact on our lives don’t ignore them.


Your habits makes your routine this is why you should build a productive routine.


Travelling adds to your life experiences and you should spend money in experiences. Travel more especially when your are young and generally when you ‘ve got the chance.

Travelling gives you the opportunity to meet and mingle with new  people and new environment.  It is advisable to change environment quite often becaùse new environment triggers new way of though process and thus new ideas.


Saving and investing money is the ultimate process to take charge of your financial life.

As we all know, your finance is a proprietary aspect of your life, it is not about the money but what you can achieve with the money.

Being financially independent will give you the confidence to approach life head on.

I so much recommend money and financial independence because without it life becomes stressful and unbearable.

Save and invest in real estate, dividend stock, crypto currency and all other productive sources of income.


Forgiving others is not for others, it is absolutely for you. As you forgive others and let go of the hurt, you free yourself from resentment and grudges and then you glow differently.

As you harbour grudges and resentment unto your soul, it brings a mountain of avoidable stress unto you.

Just let go of the stress, just let go of the hurt and you will be lighter, happier and free.


Do hard things on a daily basis, put on some challenges to your daily routine.
Challenges might be as simple as mastering the push up, doing some jog in the morning, taking a bathe, reading 3 chapters of a book and so on.

All these little habits add up in the long run and the benefits are accident and enduring.


This involves saying NO when the situation does not empower you.
Avoid believing predictions that does not empower you as a person.

You see, your own peace and happiness should be your ultimate goal in life and if it costs you your peace of mind, then it’s probably too expensive.

Stop trying to win the approval of others at the expense of your peace and happiness. Choose what empowers you and say NO to things otherwise.


There is no better way to love yourself than to do what you love.
Self care routines like eating the goodmeal, taking yourself out to that fancy restaurant, self-empowerment talks and the rest will actually go a long way to make you feel better about your life and about life in general

The more you value and love yourself, the more others will value you and love you as well.

As you can see thus far, the best things of life are absolutely free and inexpensive. It is a matter of if you are willing to put in the work that is required.

All these enumerated above are all forms of investment into your life if you desire to live a valuable life but you must be willing to put in the work.

Consistency with these life routines is what gives you the result you so much desire.

Remember sharing is caring!!!

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