Tips for building yourself up; Be the best version of yourself

So you are looking for ways you can build yourself up. You want to be the best version of yourself, you want to stop selling yourself short and step up your game.

Or You have been through a whole lot in your life lately, and you have been let down, disappointed, taken for granted, and now you seek for ways to build yourself up.

I want to tell you that you are on the right part to a better life. I mean you are all you ‘ve got, thus it’s very important to look within yourself to  try to identify these things that has been tearing you down.

When you have identified these things, what you can do for yourself is to uproot them, weed them out of your life.

It is important to note that you are the sole CEO of your life, thus you should fire accordingly anything that is not building you up while promoting the things that are helping you be the best version of yourself.

Here are some tips you can incoporate into your life to be the best version of your self


The first step to understanding yourself is to be yourself.

You can’t expect to understand yourself and therefore heal from your past traumas when you are putting on a mask.

You need to reach to your core, know who you are and be just that.

You get to define who you want to be, what works for you and what doesn’t otherwise you will be living in the shadows of others.

When you get to know yourself, when you get to understand yourself, you wouldn’t want to someone else, you wouldn’t want to wear these masks, you will just be comfortable in your own skin.

One of the predominant cause of depression is wearing these masks for so long that you entirely forget who you are, you entirely forget why you are here, you become swayed by trivial emotions and actions of the people around you.

By the time your real self becomes too deep into the mess, depression sets in and it’s usually have a devastating effect on the individual sometimes even fatal.


It was found out that one of the pillers of confidence and happiness is setting reasonable goals for yourself and going ahead to achieve those goals.

Now test it for yourself and you will see that it works appropriately; set some daily or weekly goals for yourself, then work towards it, the simple act of setting those goals and actually working towards it gives you something to live for and something to occupy your mind.

This singular act of setting goals builds your confidence thus giving you something to live for.

You will find out eventually that on the  days you become lazy and don’t feel like working towards your goals, those are usually the saddest days of your life.


Offcourse, yes, even when we must have put in every effort at our disposal towards our goals but things don’t seem to be working out fine.

In this time, you will begin to question even your own motives, your own ideas and you will begin to take it out on yourself.

You will seem like a failure to yourself, you will begin to criticise yourself, you will turn very negative towards your own self.

It is at this moment that you should be kind to yourself, you should recognise the fact that you are actually trying your best, you are actually giving your all.

At this time you should be emotionally grounded in the fact that if you keep doing what you are doing and keep doing your best, it’s only a matter of time before you begin to see positive results.


It is better to swim with the tide than against it, this also applies if you are on the project of building yourself up.

Now remember this is a project, the project is you and you are doing it for you.

It is better to build along your strenghts than along your weakness. Find those areas that you are good at and keep working towards the good.

This also applies when your are building habits, if you can focus on cultivating the good habits, you will see that the bad habits will naturally shed off from you.

It will almost be impossible to change your bad habits all at once, the simple trick is to build on other good habits,

A typical example is maybe when one of your weaknesses is consuming junk foods and not eating healthy, you always have cravings for your junk meal and you always give in to them.

You should try build new related habits, may be you should start working out, try some fitness routines, with time you will see that your cravings for junk food are being replaced by need for healthy meals.

Because you now work out, you now require more energy which only real healthy meals can give you, it becomes a win win situation for you.


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You have to make out time to enjoy your own company, spend time with yourself, connect with your deeper self, this is very important for this project of you.

How will you know how to treat yourself when you don’t know yourself, how will you know when someone crosses your boundary if you don’t know you? How can you know you when you don’t spend time with yourself.

It takes a well rounded emotionally strong person to take out some time for some me time.

Spend time in nature, go for a walk alone or a drive, just spend some time to connect with your inner self.

Ever wondered why all your favourite celebrities and wealthy people make out time to go on vacation either with their family or just a private time alone.


One singular skill that will never go outdated is the skill of learning new skills.

Because times and conditions change, so you must also adapt to changing times.

You will need to keep an open mind to learn how things work and why they work the way they do.

Elon Musk, one of the richest men alive will advices that we should ingest as much knowledge as possible into our system.

It is in learning that you will tend to find your interests and even develop new ones along the way.

We should keep expanding our interests through continous learning and may be ideas thay can change the world might come through you.


Another step towards building yourself up is feeding your body healthy meals. This is where you realise that you don’t have any other body except this.

The type of food we feed our body will always have a corresponding effect on our body system.

If you fill your system with junk foods, then you feel like crap, and then you wonder why you are always on low energy, tired and lazy that you just wish to lie down and watch TV all through the day.

Cooking healthy meals in your home, the very act of prepping the meals and actually cooking them  for me is a form of therapy.

You should always choose healthy home made meals over junk foods from the supermarkets.


Humans are social beings, what this means is that we are co-dependent on our fellow humans for emotional and even all round support and balance.

No human should live in isolation, this is why you should build and nature healthy relationships, people that love you, people that want to see you succeed.

These are the kind of people you want to be around.

Our relationships are like a support
system for us.


I saved the best for the last, i can’t emphasise this enough. Prayer is such a powerful tool to do even the impossible.
For me, prayer is part of my business strategy as well as my life strategy.

If you can build your life around prayer, then you will remain grounded nomatter what you face in life.

God can never be moved, and he does not change, it is better to be attached to he who doesn’t change and can never be moved.

Whatever you face, you can always pray about it, pray for direction, pray for protection, pray for wisdom, pray for patience, pray for discernment, pray about any issue at all, it always feels better after praying about it.

These are what you actually need to build yourself up and therefore be the best version of yourself.

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