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How to get a good quality sleep in less time.

How to get a good quality sleep.

So you have not been sleeping well lately and you are out here searching on how to get a good quality sleep.

I bet you, you are not alone, sleep disorder is something that happen often to everyone once in a while and there is nothing to worry about it because it is not a health complication.

When you have to worry is when it occurs on a regular basis, it now becomes a chronic sleep deprivation and this is when you should consult and seek for help.

Sleep is a fundamental human need, just like food. Actually we can’t get much done when we are sleep-deprived becaùse of it’s utmost importance to the brain and the body system in general.

Getting enough sleep isn’t just about the hours or time spent on the bed, but all about the quality of sleep which will help our body to get rested when we wake up and be ready for the day.

Some of us have problems sleeping, or have some difficulty in falling asleep, kindly visit your doctor for some pescriptions.

In this post we will share some lifestyle changes that can help you get that good quality sleep your body craves.


Our routines forms our habits, so it is with sleep. Sleep is such an important part of our life that we should build it into our routine. Know the time and stick to it except in unfavourable times.

A convenient bedtime routine will go a long way to adjust your body system to respond accordingly to your needs.

Bed time routines will allow the body system to build up anticipation for that particular routine, sleep inclusive.


Meditation keeps you at peace with yourself and it’s one of the best ways to slow down your thoughts.

Having the thoughts marathon when you are about to sleep will only keep you awake all night. Use meditation to slow down your thoughts and have a good night’s rest.


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Drinking lots of water have numerous benefits to our health, water helps in digestion of food, helps flush toxins away from the body, also helps in moving nutrients all around the body.

Most importantly water helps calm our nervous system which will ultimately helps us to sleep in more easily.

Drinking lots of water might be one of the easiest ways to avoid a whole lot of health complications.

With the human body system comprising of 70% water, it is negligent upon yourself to drink too little water on a daily basis.


Eating healthy meals will supply the desired nutrients for the body to function well which without it the body will not work properly thus sleep will be far.

When you eat well, you sleep well and the body will be healthy to perform it’s basic functions, sleep inclusive.


Make sure that the room you sleep is dark , if it must be lit, then a dim light is enough for the night.
This will allow you to relax and get in the mood for sleep.
Create a comfortable sleep environment by making sure your room is dark and quiet


Writing as an exercise that helps free the mind of it’s worries. We are deprived of sleep mostly when we are worried or under pressure.

Worries may be in form of financial worries, family issues, health issues etc.

The best way to calm your worries is to write them down, in writing them down, you free your mind and eventually take control of your thoughts.

Just as in writing, it is advisable to also read for atleast 20 to 30 minutes before bed time.

This helps in recollecting your thoughts and helps you fall asleep easily.


Caffeine, Alcohol or other related drugs will make your body system to by hypervigillante especially when taken before sleep.

This is the main reason we should develope a sleeping routine. Know what to take and what not to take as sleep time approaches.

If you must take caffeine or alcohol, then moderation remains the key.


Exercise helps you to relax your muscles and joints and a regular dose of exercise will really help to address your sleep issues.

Get active with some aerobics, running, jogging, weights lifts. All work and no play
Will eventually make you dull.

When your body is active, you remain in charge of your body, but when your body is not active, you become at the mercy of your moods.


How to get a good quality sleep in less time

The position which you sleep is also important when you want to sleep.
Get in a comfortable position, and make sure that the environment is conducive.
Don’t lie on your chest, instead lie on your both sides to sleep easily.

You can as well take it to the next level by getting some massage from your partner which will make you to relax in more.

Light some scented candles, take a shower and just be comfortable.


This also boils down to routines, how can you expect to sleep when the TV is turned on, or you are glued to your phone screen, or the music is on.

Some people actually enjoy sleeping with the music on, but if you find it difficult to sleep with the music on, i guess you should do yourself some good and turn it off.

Turn off the screen as your sleep time approaches, what this does is that it helps you to be at the moment for sleep to happen.


Aim for 7 to nine hours of sleep each night as it will.

How to get a good quality sleep in less time

This is ideal for most adults to get a quality rest, however children and toddlers may require more sleep time
The main aim of sleep is a kind of reset to our brain and body, otherwise we will burn out.

For a the better functioning of the human system, it is ideal to sleep in for atleast 7 to 9 hours per night.

Have other sleep routines to share? Kindly share your thoughts at the comment section.

Remember sharing is caring!!!

How to get a good quality sleep in less time

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